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Recipe of Quick Guava kheer (Amrood khoya payesam)

Hey everyone, welcome to our recipe page, if you're looking for Guava kheer (Amrood khoya payesam) recipe, look no further! We provide you only the best Guava kheer (Amrood khoya payesam) recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Guava kheer (Amrood khoya payesam)

Before you jump to Guava kheer (Amrood khoya payesam) recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Snacks that offer You Vitality.

We are all aware that consuming healthy snacks can help us truly feel better in our bodies. Increasing our intake of healthy foods while reducing the intake of unhealthy kinds contributes to a more balanced feeling. Eating fresh vegetables helps you feel better than eating a slice of pizza. Sometimes it's difficult to find healthy foods for snacks between meals. You can spend hours at the supermarket searching for the right snack foods to help you feel healthy. There's nothing like one of these brilliant healthy foods when you need an energy-boosting snack food.

Eating almonds is an excellent alternative as long as you do not have a nut allergy. As an all-in-one power booster, almonds offer you many health benefits. Different vitamins and minerals are found in these wonderful nuts. Tryptophan, an enzyme also found in turkey which induces drowsiness, is found in almonds. When it comes to almonds, however, they wont cause you to really miss a nap. Alternatively, these nuts aid in reducing stress and provide a soothing feeling throughout your body. Almonds typically give a general increased a feeling of well-being.

You will find lots of healthy snacks you can choose that never involve a lot of preparation or searching. Being healthy and balanced doesnt have to be a battle-if you let it, it can be quite simple.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let's go back to guava kheer (amrood khoya payesam) recipe. To cook guava kheer (amrood khoya payesam) you only need 6 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to make Guava kheer (Amrood khoya payesam):

  1. Get 3 of Guava (big size).
  2. Take 1/2 ltr of milk.
  3. Get 2 tablespoon of khoya.
  4. You need 1/2 cup of misri (Desi sugar).
  5. You need 1/4 teaspoon of cardamom powder.
  6. Get 2 tablespoon of chopped dry fruits and nuts.

Steps to make Guava kheer (Amrood khoya payesam):

  1. Wash and pressure cook until 1whistle..
  2. Let all the pressure release cool it and massed the Guava sieve it and strainer..
  3. Now take a non-stick pan heat ghee add dry fruits and nuts fry light and transfer a bowl then keep aside..
  4. Now add guava puree in the same pan and saute it 1-2 minutes add milk and when milk started boiling add khoya..
  5. And Desi sugar mix it well..
  6. Once the kheer starts thicken turn off the heat..
  7. Finally add cardamom powder mix it nicely and garnish the fried dry fruits serve hot /cool..

Try it out at home, i am sure you will like its sweet and sour taste. Moreover it is very nutritious as well. Lets make Guava Curry Recipe today. You can make them for special occasions like birthday's or parties or when you want to have something sweet. The fruit is known by many names in various countries.

If you find this Guava kheer (Amrood khoya payesam) recipe helpful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.

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